SLAPPs (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation [1]) are filed against people or organizations because they have exercised their First Amendment right to free speech or to petition the government.
Defamation, Slander, Libel, Abuse of Process, and Malicious Prosecution are some common claims disguising SLAPPs.
CASP is proud to have led the fight for passage of the California anti-SLAPP law [6] more than two decades ago to protect the First Amendment rights of petition and speech. Since then, CASP has earned a reputation as one of the leading anti-SLAPP firms in the state, allowing us to offer unique, focused expertise to our clients.
“CASP has done an extraordinary job for Yelp and its users in fending off SLAPPs. They have an unmatched understanding of the legal terrain both at the trial and appellate levels, particularly when it comes to the public’s interest in online consumer speech.”
Laurence Wilson, General Counsel, Yelp! Inc., San Francisco, CA
“I have practiced media law for 30 years and have had the opportunity to work with Mark Goldowitz on many matters. Without question, he is a leading expert on California’s anti-SLAPP law and has spearheaded many of the most cutting edge anti-SLAPP cases in this State. His organization, California Anti-SLAPP Project, is uniformly recognized as the leader in such litigation.”
James Wagstaffe, Esq., Kerr & Wagstaffe, LLP, San Francisco, CA
“I have collaborated with Mark Goldowitz and CASP on several motions for attorneys fees. Mark is widely and appropriately recognized and respected as the leading expert on the California anti-SLAPP law and anti-SLAPP litigation in California. If I were ever SLAPPed, CASP would be the first place I would seek representation.”
Richard Pearl, Esq., Law Offices of Richard M. Pearl, Berkeley, CA
“I have had the pleasure of being co-counsel with CASP when my client was SLAPPed. CASP also represented me when I was hit with a SLAPP. CASP attorneys are the pre-eminent experts in the defense of SLAPPs in California and they provide superb representation. I highly recommend them, without reservation, to both individual SLAPP victims and to lawyers who need to find high-quality specialized representation for their clients who have been SLAPPed.”
Paul Glusman, Esq., Law Offices of Paul Glusman, Berkeley, CA
The information on this website is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. The information here is meant to provide general information to the public.